Welcome to the Scuseami Page

This is the continued page of Nightkilla

This page is more centered around html and flash games.

There is a kNex Section tho.

Click Here For a Seizure!


KNex are really cool, they are better than legos. I like the more geometric shape and the way they click. Legos are for insie binsy kids.

You can build really cool things with kNex. I really like shooting stuff. My dad is about to order me a HUGE box of kNex tonight.

The following pictures aren't mine (I don't have a camera)


My first game on here is called Super E. The instructions are, just click the Es

Email me your score (ashwinsohi@yandex.com) and I will put it on the scoreboard.

#1 Scuseami-86

#2 None-00

#3 None-00

#4 None-00

#5 None-00

My second game is called 9

You click the red box when the outside one is tiny. Don't click too fast or too slow.

Email me your score (ashwinsohi@yandex.com) and I will put it on the scoreboard.

#1 Scuseami-96

#2 None-00

#3 None-00

#4 None-00

#5 None-00

My third game is called Dodger

Just dodge them circles

Email me your time (ashwinsohi@yandex.com) and I will put it on the scoreboard.

#1 Scuseami-17

#2 None-00

#3 None-00

#4 None-00

#5 None-00

I am not putting any other games on here so check my scratch account

Also check out this.